cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Mar 15, 2011 15:12
location: los angeles, type: picspam, doll: echo, expression: confident, ep: 1x01 ghost, wardrobe: cool & sexy, season: 1, echo's imprint: playgirl alice, wardrobe: dress
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Oct 18, 2010 21:53
adelle: pwns your soul, expression: superior, hbic: adelle dewitt, location: adelle's office, season: 1, type: screencap, ep: 1x01 ghost
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Oct 17, 2010 18:55
expression: active mode, doll: echo, location: topher's lab, season: 1, type: screencap, echo: she hurts, ep: 1x01 ghost
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Sep 01, 2010 20:42
icu: makin' a pouty face, wardrobe: classy & sassy, hbic: adelle dewitt, location: adelle's office, type: screencap, ep: 1x01 ghost, expression: adorkable, season: 1
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 21, 2010 18:53
expression: exhausted, type: picspam, doll: echo, type: fandom crossover, show: buffy the vampire slayer, echo's imprint: caroline farrell, hbic: adelle dewitt, ep: 1x01 ghost, season: 1, type: comparison, expression: determined
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Aug 11, 2010 21:10
location: club, expression: active mode, type: lyrics, type: picspam, type: quotes, doll: echo, ep: 1x01 ghost, wardrobe: cool & sexy, client: matt cargill, ohmydoll: y so sexy?, expression: happy, echo's imprint: playgirl alice, season: 1
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Jul 09, 2010 20:52
echo: you think this is funny?!, icu: bein' a sore loser, expression: flirty, expression: bitchy, season: 1, accessories: motorbike, mission: fulfilling your needs, location: club, accessories: hotness, doll: echo, type: quotes, type: picspam, expression: annoyed, expression: amused, wardrobe: cool & sexy, ep: 1x01 ghost, ohmydoll: y so sexy?, client: matt cargill, echo's imprint: playgirl alice
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily May 08, 2010 18:46
location: club, type: picspam, doll: echo, ep: 1x01 ghost, expression: happy, season: 1, echo's imprint: playgirl alice, wardrobe: dress
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily May 07, 2010 20:03
shipping: sierra/victor, bamf: boyd, doll: alpha, hbic: adelle dewitt, handler: boyd langton, ep: 1x08 needs, ep: 1x02 the target, doll: november, season: 1, ep: 1x03 stage fright, ep: 1x06 man on the street, doll: echo, type: picspam, geek: topher brink, type: opening credits, ep: 1x11 briar rose, ep: 1x09 a spy in the house of love, ep: 1x01 ghost, ep: 1x12 omega, doll: sierra, bamf: paul, shipping: echo/boyd, doll: victor, doll: whiskey
cool_rush wrote in dollhousedaily Mar 02, 2010 16:30
adelle: i'm the boss in this biatch, accessories: britishness, adelle: for president!, hbic: adelle dewitt, season: 1, type: screencap, ep: 1x01 ghost